Wednesday, February 27, 2008

1.1.4 Unlock Tool (AnySim Method) (for 3.9 Bootloaders Only) for Windows ONLY

This is the only true current unlock for 1.1.4 Firmware and Baseband 04.04.05G (LATEST)

Note: This is for 3.9 Bootloaders only, if you have a 4.6 based bootloader feel free to use the latest Ziphone tool (Not recommended) to downgrade it OR the following guide written by Acujo (Recommended) which can be found here:

1. Jailbreak and activate with ziphone (modded zibri.dat for 1.1.4) that can be found here and assembled by JBLP

2. Install BSD / OpenSSH / Terminal

3. mkdir /usr/unlock AND copy the 3 files to /usr/unlock

4. Enable "Airplane" Mode (Very important Do NOT Forget!)

5. chmod +x 114unlock and RUN ./114unlock secpack ICE04.04.05_G.fls

6. Enjoy yor unlocked 1.1.4 (Note: No needed for this unlock method.)

It uses same the method as AnySim 1.3 unlock)!!!IMPORTANT!!!Hint !!!Maybe someone can setup this on a repo!!! This is just for People that know exactly what to do. Do not use it if you dont know how to recover if something goes wrong! NOOBIES, WAIT FOR A EASIER AND MORE PRACTICAL SOLUTION.

cRACKn, (edited by jblp)

Credit goes to George ZHU, Crackn, Zibri, jblp, Geohot and the iPhone "dev" team.


Anonymous said...

what if you had IPSF will this mess with that?

NONE said...

@Michael, you should be fine, but in order to be sure i am going to apply this method on my IPSF device and post back with results, stay tuned or feel free to give it a try.


NONE said...

@Michael, all is well :)

Anonymous said...

nice, works great. Thanks

John said...

Great thanks! I did it successfully with this method and the latest independence. Also, for the sake of convenience, I tried it, and can confirm airplane mode works just as well as manually stopping comcenter.
